What most churches call membership, we refer to as ALL–IN.  The words Jesus spoke when he said, "Love the Lord your God will ALL your heart, soul, and strength," refer to an all–consuming love for and commitment to God.  To us, ALL–IN means we are ALL–IN in our personal relationship with God and also in our corporate relationship with God through the church.  Once you have committed to a personal relationship with God through Jesus, we hope you will commit to being ALL–IN.  You can do this by contacting one of our pastors who can help you take this spiritual next step.  


What you have committed to is being all–in—not only in your personal relationship with Jesus but to do it corporately, together, alongside others.  That means we will be devoted to each other, serve alongside one another, generously give toward the mission together, and live our lives as an invitation for others to experience hope for tomorrow, today, through Jesus.

While being all–in is a spiritual next step, it also comes with some other benefits.  You will be invited to our All–In Gatherings.  During these gatherings, dinner is usually catered, and we celebrate.  You’ll also get an inside look at what’s to come at Rise Church.  We will share and teach specific skills that will make us even stronger at fulfilling our vision as a church.

Four Components of Being ALL–IN



Devoted people show up.  Not just for a service but in the lives of the people they do community with.  We are devoted to each other and the mission of God.
God's dream for Rise Church happens when we come together using our talents and gifts collectively.  At Rise Church, we serve because we know serving makes a difference.



With all that God has given us, our response is to live generously.  People who are ALL-IN give generously toward the vision of Rise Church.
We live our lives as an invitation for others to know God.  Our hope is in Jesus, so we dare to live and love like Him.