How it all started...

In April of 2017 during a season of prayer and fasting, Pastor Matt Reece and his wife Carrie felt God calling them to plant a new church.  Shortly thereafter, a conversation took place with Ignite Church Planting, and in November of 2017, they committed to planting in Dyer, Indiana.  The property at 704 Joliet Street was a former church who had decided to close and make room for a new church.  Through a partnership with Ignite Church Planting and The Solomon Foundation, we were ready to begin the process of starting this new church.

We were ready to start but knew we needed help.  We received keys to the property in January 2018 and an extensive remodel of the inside began.  We were fortunate to have some amazing volunteers—like John Moes and others—donate time and energy to transform our building.  

Expanding the vision...

A partnership with The Solomon Foundation and Ignite Church Planting was created that would provide the strategic and financial support needed to make a new church a reality.
In April 2018, the new church was named Rise Church.
We started building a team of volunteers to help launch this new church.  These people prayed, worked on the facility, served in ministry areas, gave sacrificially, and invited family and friends to join in the journey.

Our team grew to about 18 adults prior to our first service, and on October 14, 2018, we opened our doors for our first official service.

Where we are headed...

 We want to help people take their next steps toward God and see lives changed and a region transformed.  We are excited to be a part of something new in this region.  We love where we are as a new church, but this is only the beginning not the destination.

Matt and Carrie have almost 20 years of experience in church planting and church leadership. Matt's passion is to help people discover their identity in Jesus and grow to become the man or woman of faith whom God desires them to be.

You can be part of something new, something fulfilling, something that will make a difference for generations to come.  Join us and be part of our beginning and future.

Our future...

In March of 2020, we entered into a worldwide pandemic, Covid-19.  Nations shut their doors, lives were lost, and hopelessness spread.  Rise Church, being a little over 1 year old at the time, was in jeopardy of closing its doors for good like so many others.  But that would not be the case.  During this season, we felt God saying that "He is not waiting out Covid-19 He is building now."  Once again, The Solomon Foundation provided resources that allowed us to expand our team and use this time as a chance to grow.  Over two-thirds of the people who now attend Rise Church were not attending prior to March 2020.  We have seen our attendance reach pre-Covid levels, and we continue to grow.

In May of 2021, we re-established our vision, mission, and values.  Then in September, we created a 3–year strategic plan focused on the areas of Evangelism, Discipleship, and the Next Generation.  We expanded our team and our structure so that we can better fulfill God's vision for this church.  We exist to bring hope for tomorrow, today!