Palm Sunday Discussion Guide

DISCUSSION GUIDE - Got questions about the sermon? Want to understand the Scripture behind it? Our discussion guides are great for groups or 1-on-1 exploration. Take the message home and unlock deeper Biblical knowledge. There is a new short discussion guide for each week available after the service.


Title: The Unexpected King: When God Doesn't Meet Our Expectations

Opening Reflection:

  • Have you ever prayed intensely for something, only to have things turn out completely different? How did you react in that moment? Did your perspective change over time?\

Connecting with the Message:

  1. The sermon contrasts our expectations of Jesus as a "wish-granter" with His true mission as a Savior who brings spiritual fulfillment.  Discuss a time in your life when you had to let go of how you thought God should  answer a prayer. Was it difficult? Did it ultimately lead to greater trust or understanding?

  2. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey is a powerful image of humility and unexpected triumph. Where in your life do you tend to seek earthly power or recognition? How does Jesus' model challenge that mindset?

Scripture Study:

Read Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9, and Matthew 16:24-25 together.

  • What are the contrasting images present in Matthew 21? What do they reveal about how the people saw Jesus, versus how He saw His own mission?
  • How does Zechariah's ancient prophecy help us understand Jesus' actions on Palm Sunday?
  • In Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus talks about denying oneself and taking up a cross. What do you think this looks like in everyday life?

Personal Application:

  1. Identify one area of your life where you tightly hold onto specific expectations (relationships, job, health, etc.). Can you begin to practice surrendering this area to God, trusting His plan even if it looks different than your own?

  2. This week, commit to doing one small thing that challenges your desire for control and fosters humility. (Examples: volunteer in a humble role, let someone else be right in an argument, give away something you value).

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