Acts 6-7 Beyond the Familiar 5-Day Devotions
Ready to dig deeper into your faith? Our weekly 5-day devotionals are like a guided conversation with the sermon. We'll ask questions, share Bible verses, and help you uncover amazing things about God and yourself! There is a new set posted each Sunday after the service.
Reflection: The early church faced challenges, just like we do today. Remember, we aren't meant to bear burdens alone.
Prayer: Lord, help me to recognize my limitations and seek the support of others. Guide me to build unity within my community and celebrate the unique gifts that each person brings.
Reflection: Stephen's courage in speaking truth, even in the face of opposition, is inspiring.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill me with your boldness and empower me to speak your truth without fear. Help me to be a voice for those who are silenced and to stand up for what is right.
Reflection: Persecution scattered the early believers, but God used it to spread the Gospel.
Prayer: Lord, even in the midst of trials, I trust in your sovereignty and goodness. Give me the strength to endure and the faith to see your hand at work in my life.
Reflection: Carrying each other's burdens is a core principle of the early church.
Prayer: God, thank you for the gift of community. Help me to be a source of strength for others and to receive the love and support that I need.
Reflection: God's plans often lead us beyond our comfort zones.
Prayer: Lord, give me the courage to step beyond my familiar routines and embrace the new things you have in store for me. Help me to trust your plans and walk confidently in the path you set before me.
Ready to dig deeper into your faith? Our weekly 5-day devotionals are like a guided conversation with the sermon. We'll ask questions, share Bible verses, and help you uncover amazing things about God and yourself! There is a new set posted each Sunday after the service.
Day 1: Sharing the Load
Scripture: Acts 6:1-7; Galatians 6:2Reflection: The early church faced challenges, just like we do today. Remember, we aren't meant to bear burdens alone.
- Question 1: What specific tasks or responsibilities in your life or church community could be shared with others?
- Question 2: How can you actively seek out and celebrate the diverse gifts and perspectives within your community, ensuring everyone feels valued? (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
Prayer: Lord, help me to recognize my limitations and seek the support of others. Guide me to build unity within my community and celebrate the unique gifts that each person brings.
Day 2: Boldly Speaking Truth
Scripture: Acts 7:54-60; Ephesians 4:15Reflection: Stephen's courage in speaking truth, even in the face of opposition, is inspiring.
- Question 1: What situation in your life or community calls for you to speak the truth in love, even if it might be uncomfortable?
- Question 2: How can you ensure that your words are rooted in God's truth and spoken with grace and humility? (Colossians 4:6)
Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill me with your boldness and empower me to speak your truth without fear. Help me to be a voice for those who are silenced and to stand up for what is right.
Day 3: Trusting in the Midst of Trials
Scripture: Acts 8:1-3; Romans 8:28Reflection: Persecution scattered the early believers, but God used it to spread the Gospel.
- Question 1: What current challenge or difficulty are you facing that feels overwhelming or discouraging?
- Question 2: How can you actively choose to trust God's goodness and sovereignty in this situation, believing that He is working for your good? (Jeremiah 29:11)
Prayer: Lord, even in the midst of trials, I trust in your sovereignty and goodness. Give me the strength to endure and the faith to see your hand at work in my life.
Day 4: Finding Strength in Community
Scripture: Galatians 6:2; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10Reflection: Carrying each other's burdens is a core principle of the early church.
- Question 1: Who in your life could use your encouragement, prayer, or practical support today?
- Question 2: Who are the trusted people in your life that you can turn to for help and prayer when you need it?
Prayer: God, thank you for the gift of community. Help me to be a source of strength for others and to receive the love and support that I need.
Day 5: Stepping Beyond the Familiar
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 43:19Reflection: God's plans often lead us beyond our comfort zones.
- Question 1: What is one area of your life where you feel God might be calling you to step out in faith and try something new?
- Question 2: How can you prepare your heart and mind to trust God's guidance, even if it leads you down an unfamiliar path? (Psalm 23)
Prayer: Lord, give me the courage to step beyond my familiar routines and embrace the new things you have in store for me. Help me to trust your plans and walk confidently in the path you set before me.
Posted in Acts
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