Easter Sunday Discussion Guide

DISCUSSION GUIDE - Got questions about the sermon? Want to understand the Scripture behind it? Our discussion guides are great for groups or 1-on-1 exploration. Take the message home and unlock deeper Biblical knowledge. There is a new short discussion guide for each week available after the service.


Opening Reflection:

    Good Friday symbolized darkness, despair, and the seeming end of hope. Have you ever experienced a time in your life that felt similarly bleak? How did you cope?

Connecting with the Message:

    Our modern world still mirrors the chaos of that first Holy Week. How do you see doubt, cynicism, and fear playing out today? 

    Jesus' resurrection upends our expectations of what a Savior looks like. When have you been surprised by the way God works in your life or the world?

Scripture Study:

    Read the Easter narrative: Matthew 27:57-28:10, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20

      What details and emotions stand out to you the most in these accounts?

      How does focusing on the women's experiences at the empty tomb add another dimension to the story?

      Discuss the mix of reactions to the risen Christ – doubt, confusion, joy. Which do you most identify with?

Personal Application:

    The sermon talks about the "flimsy tent" – where are the areas in your life where you're clinging to control or struggling with hopelessness?

    Easter is about surrender and radical new life. What's one step you can take this week to step out of your "flimsy tent" and towards true resurrection living?

Themes to Explore (Choose one or two for deeper discussion):

    Doubt vs. Faith: Just like Thomas, we all have moments of doubt. How does the resurrection story challenge our doubts? How can we nurture faith in the unseen?

    Unexpected Victory: God's plan often unfolds in ways we don't expect. Where have you seen unexpected good come from difficult situations? How does this shape your trust in God?

    The Power of Witness: The women at the tomb became the first heralds of the resurrection. How can we be modern-day witnesses of Christ's transformative power 

in our own lives?

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