Acts 3-5 Growing Pains 5-Day Devotions

Ready to dig deeper into your faith? Our weekly 5-day devotionals are like a guided conversation with the sermon. We'll ask questions, share Bible verses, and help you uncover amazing things about God and yourself! There is a new set posted each Sunday after the service.

Day 1: God's Miraculous Power

  • Scripture: Acts 3:6, John 14:12
  • Reflection: The healing at the Beautiful Gate reminds us that God's power is not limited by our circumstances. When we step out in faith, even with small acts of obedience, God can do extraordinary things through us.
  • Questions:
    • Where have I seen God's miraculous power at work in my life or the lives of others?
    • What are some ways I can step out in faith and be a vessel for God's power?
  • Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities around me to be a vessel of your healing and hope.

Day 2: Courageous Witness

  • Scripture: Acts 4:3-4, 13, 19-20
  • Reflection: Peter and John's boldness inspires us to speak up for Jesus, even when it's uncomfortable or inconvenient. Their courage came from their personal relationship with Jesus.
  • Questions:
    • What holds me back from sharing my faith with others?
    • How can I deepen my relationship with Jesus so that I can speak with boldness and confidence?
  • Prayer: Fill me with your Holy Spirit, Lord, that I might speak your truth with love and confidence.

Day 3: Generous Community

  • Scripture: Acts 2:44-45
  • Reflection: The early church shared everything, demonstrating a radical love and care for one another. How can we model this generosity in our own lives and communities?
  • Questions:
    • In what ways can I be more generous with my time, talents, and resources?
    • How can I foster a spirit of generosity within my church or community?
  • Prayer: Help me to let go of selfishness and embrace a spirit of generosity, sharing my time, talents, and resources with others.

Day 4: Honesty and Repentance

  • Scripture: Acts 5:3, Proverbs 12:22
  • Reflection: The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as a warning against dishonesty. But even in their sin, we see God's grace in exposing the truth and offering a chance for repentance.
  • Questions:
    • Am I being fully honest with God, myself, and others?
    • Are there any areas in my life where I need to repent and seek forgiveness?
  • Prayer: Search my heart, O God, and reveal any areas where I am not being truthful. Lead me in the path of honesty and repentance.

Day 5: Embracing the Growing Pains

  • Scripture: Romans 5:3-5 ("...suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.")
  • Reflection: The challenges we face as Christians are not meant to discourage us, but to strengthen our faith and deepen our dependence on God. Embrace the growing pains, knowing that they are producing something beautiful in you.
  • Questions:
    • What are some challenges I am currently facing in my faith journey?
    • How can I lean on God for strength and hope during these difficult times?
  • Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the trials and difficulties that have shaped me into who I am today. Help me to continue to grow in faith and maturity, relying on your grace every step of the way.

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