The Cost of Citizenship in Heaven

Counting the Cost: Embracing the Call of Discipleship

Week Theme:
The Cost of Citizenship in Heaven

This week, we’re focusing on what it means to be citizens of heaven and the cost associated with following Jesus. Inspired by Luke 14:25-35, we’ll explore the challenges and rewards of true discipleship. Each day, we’ll spend 5 minutes in Scripture, 5 minutes journaling, and 5 minutes in prayer. Let’s dive deeper into how we can embrace the call of citizenship in heaven.

Look up all the Scripture references, including the additional verses, and reflect on them during your devotional time.
Use the journaling prompts to write your reflections and thoughts in a meaningful way.
Spend time in prayer, focusing on the day's theme and applying it to your life.

Day 1: Loving Jesus Above All Else
Primary Passage: Luke 14:25-26
Additional Verses: Matthew 10:37; Deuteronomy 6:5

Journal Prompts:
What does it mean to prioritize Jesus above your closest relationships?
Are there relationships or attachments that compete with your love for Jesus?
How can placing Jesus first enhance your other relationships?

Prayer Prompts:
Thank God for the relationships in your life and ask Him to help you place Him at the center of each one.
Pray for the courage to let go of anything or anyone that competes with your love for Jesus.
Ask God to reveal areas in your heart where He isn't currently first and to guide you in making Him the top priority.
Pray for your family and loved ones, that they too would come to know and love Jesus deeply.

Day 2: Daily Surrender—Carrying Your Cross
Primary Passage: Luke 14:27
Additional Verses: Matthew 16:24; Galatians 2:20

Journal Prompts:
What does "carrying your cross" look like in your daily life?
What personal desires or ambitions might you need to surrender to follow Jesus fully?
How can daily surrender transform your relationship with Christ?

Prayer Prompts:
Pray for the strength to deny yourself and follow Jesus in every aspect of your life.
Ask God to help you identify areas where you resist surrendering to Him and to give you the grace to let go.
Thank Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice He made by carrying the cross for you, and ask Him to help you carry yours with joy and perseverance.
Pray for others who might be struggling with their own "crosses" and ask God to give them strength.

Day 3: Counting the Cost—Thoughtful Commitment
Primary Passage: Luke 14:28-30
Additional Verses: Proverbs 24:27; Philippians 3:7-8

Journal Prompts:
Have you taken time to consider the cost of following Jesus?
What sacrifices have you made or might you need to make for your faith?
How does understanding the cost deepen your commitment to Christ?

Prayer Prompts:
Thank God for the privilege of being called to follow Him, even when it’s challenging.
Ask for wisdom and clarity as you consider the cost of discipleship and the courage to embrace it fully.
Pray for God to help you identify distractions or barriers that keep you from committing wholeheartedly to Him.
Pray for perseverance and ask God to give you a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Him for a lifetime.

Day 4: Total Surrender—Letting Go of Everything
Primary Passage: Luke 14:31-33
Additional Verses: Mark 10:17-22; Luke 9:62

Journal Prompts:
Is there anything you're holding onto that hinders your full surrender to Jesus?
How does the story of the rich young ruler resonate with you?
What steps can you take to let go and trust Jesus completely?

Prayer Prompts:
Pray for the courage to let go of material possessions, dreams, or ambitions that you may be clinging to.
Ask God to give you a heart of gratitude for what you have and a willingness to surrender it all to Him.
Pray for the ability to trust Jesus more deeply, knowing that He will provide and guide you as you surrender to Him.
Intercede for others who are struggling to surrender their lives to Jesus, that they may find freedom and peace in letting go.

Day 5: Staying Salty—Maintaining Your Influence
Primary Passage: Luke 14:34-35
Additional Verses: Matthew 5:13; Colossians 4:6

Journal Prompts:
In what ways can you be the "salt of the earth" in your community?
Have you noticed areas where your "saltiness" might be fading?
How can you actively maintain your effectiveness as a disciple of Christ?

Prayer Prompts:
Ask God to help you be a preserving influence in your family, workplace, and community.
Pray for opportunities to share the love and truth of Jesus with others, even in simple, everyday interactions.
Ask God to reveal any areas where you may have lost your “saltiness” and to help you regain your passion and effectiveness.
Pray for boldness to live out your faith in a way that flavors the world around you with God’s love and grace.

Look up all the Scripture references, including the additional verses, and reflect on them during your devotional time.
Use the journaling prompts to write your reflections and thoughts in a meaningful way.
Spend time in prayer, focusing on the day's theme and applying it to your life.

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