Trading Up - Living by the Laws of Heaven

Introduction: Living by the Laws of Heaven
As citizens of heaven, we are called to live by a different set of laws than those of this world. While the world around us often values self-interest, personal freedom, and the pursuit of temporary pleasures, God’s kingdom operates on the principles of love, obedience, and eternal truth. Jesus made it clear in John 14:15 that love and obedience are inseparable: "If you love me, keep my commands." Obeying Jesus isn’t just about following rules—it’s about living in a way that aligns our lives with the values of our true home in heaven.
This week, we will explore what it looks like to live as citizens of heaven by obeying God’s commands. True obedience is more than a checklist of do’s and don’ts; it’s an act of love, an expression of worship, and a pathway to freedom and blessing. Each day, we will dive into Scripture to understand how obedience can shape our lives, hearts, and relationships with God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given the strength to live according to God’s laws, allowing us to shine as lights in a world that desperately needs hope and truth.
Join us as we reflect on obedience as a way of life and learn how living by the laws of heaven transforms us to look more like Jesus, and less like the world around us.

Day 1: The Law of Love
John 14:15, 1 John 5:3 

Journal: Spend 5 minutes reflecting on what it means to show love through obedience. How does obeying God’s commands demonstrate your love for Him? Write about one area of your life where obedience can be a deeper expression of your love for God.

Prayer: Pray for a heart that is quick to obey out of love, not duty. Ask God to show you how to grow in your love for Him through faithful obedience.

Day 2: Aligning with Heaven’s Values
Matthew 6:33, Colossians 3:1-2

Journal: What values or habits in your life reflect the kingdom of heaven? What values still reflect the world? Spend time writing about where you can better align your actions with the values of heaven.

Prayer: Ask God to help you prioritize His kingdom in your life. Pray for the wisdom to discern what’s important in His eyes and the courage to live it out.

Day 3: Obedience as Worship
Romans 12:1, 1 Samuel 15:22

Journal: How does your daily obedience to God become an act of worship? Reflect on how your actions can be a “living sacrifice” to Him. Write about one practical way you can offer yourself in obedience this week.

Prayer: Thank God for His mercy and grace. Pray that your obedience would be a reflection of His goodness and an act of worship that glorifies Him in every part of your life.

Day 4: The Reward of Obedience
Deuteronomy 5:33, James 1:25

Journal: Consider the blessings that come from walking in obedience. How has obeying God brought you life and prosperity (spiritually, emotionally, or relationally)? Write about how obedience leads to freedom rather than restriction.

Prayer: Praise God for the rewards of obedience, not just in material blessings but in spiritual growth and peace. Pray for strength to remain obedient even when it’s hard.

Day 5: Obeying Through the Power of the Spirit
Ezekiel 36:27, Galatians 5:16, John 16:13

Journal: Reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in helping you obey God’s commands. How can you rely more on His strength and less on your own? Write about a time when the Spirit guided you to make the right decision.

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the strength and wisdom to follow God’s commands. Pray for His guidance in every decision, big or small, as you walk in obedience to the laws of heaven.

Look up all the Scripture references, including the additional verses, and reflect on them during your devotional time.
Use the journaling prompts to write your reflections and thoughts in a meaningful way.
Spend time in prayer, focusing on the day's theme and applying it to your life.

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