Phil 3:13-14 Part 1

Devotional Title: Pressing On: Forgetting the Past, Embracing Christ's Future

In this devotional, we embark on a journey inspired by the Apostle Paul's challenge to forget what lies behind and strain toward what lies ahead, pressing on toward the goal of Christlikeness. Each day, you'll spend 5 minutes reading and reflecting on Scripture, 5 minutes journaling, and 5 minutes in prayer.

Why Look Up the Verses?
Active Engagement: Actively seeking out the verses allows you to interact with the Bible in a more personal and meaningful way, leading to deeper understanding and retention.
Contextual Understanding: Reading the verses surrounding the primary passage provides valuable context, enriching your comprehension of the message.
Spiritual Discovery: The process of navigating the Bible can lead to unexpected discoveries and insights as you explore God's Word.

How to Look Up the Verses:
Use a Bible: If you have a physical Bible, use the table of contents or index to locate the book, chapter, and verse.
Utilize a Bible App: Many free Bible apps are available for smartphones and tablets, offering easy navigation and search functions.
Access Online Resources: Several websites offer online Bible versions with search capabilities.

Tip: Consider reading the verses before and after the primary passage to gain a broader understanding of the context.

Day 1: Embracing a Holy Discontent

Primary Passage: Philippians 3:13-14
Additional Verses: Matthew 5:6; Psalm 42:1-2

In what areas of your life do you feel "stuck" or complacent?
How can you cultivate a holy discontent that propels you toward greater Christlikeness?
How do the additional verses you looked up deepen your understanding of the day's theme?

Prayer: Ask God to reveal any areas where you need to grow and to give you a hunger for more of Him.

Day 2: Shedding the Baggage of the Past

Primary Passage: Philippians 3:13 (second part)
Additional Verses: Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 43:18-19; 2 Corinthians 5:17

What past regrets or failures are hindering your progress?
How can you embrace God's forgiveness and release the grip of the past?
Meditate on the idea of being a "new creation." How does this truth impact your perspective on the past?

Prayer: Confess any past sins or hurts and ask God to help you experience His freedom and forgiveness.

Day 3: Unlocking Your Full Potential in Christ

Primary Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Additional Verses: Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:2

How does the concept of being a "new creation" and "God's handiwork" impact your identity and self-worth?
In what ways can you embrace your new life in Christ and let go of old patterns and habits?
What "good works" do you believe God has prepared for you to do?

Prayer: Thank God for making you a new creation and ask for His guidance as you walk in your new identity and fulfill His purposes for your life.

Day 4: The Power of Forgiveness

Primary Passage: Colossians 3:13
Additional Verses: Matthew 6:14-15; 1 John 1:9

Is there anyone you need to forgive? Is there anyone you need to ask forgiveness from?
How can you practice forgiveness in your daily life?
Reflect on the connection between forgiving others and receiving God's forgiveness.

Prayer: Ask God to help you forgive those who have hurt you and to give you the courage to seek forgiveness when necessary.

Day 5: Pressing On Toward the Goal

Primary Passage: Hebrews 12:1-2
Additional Verses: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; Galatians 6:9

What specific goals do you have for your spiritual growth?
How can you stay focused on Jesus and keep running the race with perseverance?
What motivates you to keep pressing on, even when it's challenging?

Prayer: Commit your goals to God and ask for His strength and guidance as you press on toward the goal of Christlikeness. Don't forget to thank Him for the "crown that will last forever."

Take your time with each section.
Engage actively with the Scriptures by looking up the additional verses.
Be honest and open in your journaling and prayer.
Celebrate your progress and trust in God's faithfulness.
May this devotional journey lead you to a deeper connection with God, the freedom of forgiveness, and the joy of pressing on toward Christlikeness.

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